Movement of two body parts away from each other, such as when you look up and move your chin away from your chest.
Movement of two body parts toward each other, such as when you flex your bicep and move your hand and wrist to your shoulder.
Inward or medial movement of a body part. If one arm is stretched out palm up, for example, and then rotated so that the palm is facing down, the movement is called pronation.
The arc through which a joint or joints can move. Chiropractors often use the term when discussing dysfunctional joints. A normal neck, for example, can move about 70 to 90 degrees to the right. Chiropractors would say a neck that only rotated 50 degrees had a restricted range of motion.
Outward or lateral movement of a body part.If one arm is stretched out palm down, for example, and then rotated so that the palm is facing up, the movement is called supination.