Conditions & Symptoms

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Illustration: Hip and Buttock Conditions
Hip and Buttock

Hip and Buttock Conditions

Conditions include sciatica and muscle strain. Research shows that chiropractic care is an extremely safe and effective treatment for pain due to these ailments.

Hip & Buttock-area conditions are often interrelated, and there can sometimes be a domino effect of injuries. For example, tense low back muscles can contribute to tingling, burning or stabbing pain in the hips, buttocks, thighs and lower limbs. These symptoms may result from any one of several conditions collectively known as sciatica. They're painful but finding the source can be somewhat challenging.

Your chiropractor is trained to identify and locate the muscles, nerves, ligaments, joints and other soft tissue structures that may be contributing to your condition. Care begins with a comprehensive history and a physical examination. Your chiropractor may next use adjustments or physiotherapeutic modalities, such as ultrasound. He or she can also give you advice on posture and exercises to promote healing and improve function. This will help prevent future injuries and allow your body to perform at its best.

Ischial Bursitis

Ischial bursitis is a painful irritation in the buttocks, specifically around the ischia, which are the bony parts you can feel in each buttock when you sit down. Usually, fluid-filled sacs called bursae protect the ischia, cushioning movements between the muscles and bones in the area. With excessive use, however, friction on the bursa can make it inflamed and irritated.

The condition is quite literally a pain in the butt. Symptoms include soreness, tenderness and swelling in the lower buttocks, and patients often notice that this pain worsens with movement. The area may also feel warm to the touch, as heat often accompanies inflammation.

Ischial bursitis can affect anyone, at any age. Patients with the condition aren't necessarily athletic or involved in physically demanding activities. Usually, they report sitting on hard surfaces for long periods of time, and some also report frequently riding horses. Injuries that involve trauma to the ischial bursae, like landing on the buttocks during a fall, can also cause the condition.

In physically active patients with ischial bursitis, the condition often develops after they perform activities that involve excessive contraction of the hamstrings (muscles at the back of the thighs), like running. These muscles can rub on the bursae, making them sore and irritated.

Regardless of the cause, however, conservative chiropractic care is effective for ischial bursitis. Your chiropractor will select from a wide variety of healing modalities that will help decrease pain, decrease inflammation and improve movement.